1. intro_exp - General description of etagere system
  2. clt_exp - Obtain a read-only copy of a file from one of the RCS directories
  3. cltr_exp - Obtain a read-only copy, at a given revision level, of a file from one of the RCS directories.
  4. dir_exp - Obtain an "ls" of all the master RCS directories.
  5. eff_exp - Erease an experiment from the working RCS directory.
  6. etagere - Display the calling sequence of all the commands of the etagere system.
  7. frm_exp - Close the current experiment and save the results in the working RCS directory.
  8. grep_exp - Search for a regular expression in all the files of all the directories of the RCSPATH.
  9. hst_exp - Obtain the history of all the experiments saved in the working RCS directory.
  10. make_exp - Obtain a Makefile for the current experiment.
  11. r.make_exp - Obtain a Makefile for the current experiment (update for Fortran 90).
  12. mdm_exp - Check for different files with the same name in different master RCS directories.
  13. menu_exp - General entry point from where all etagere modules are callable.
  14. mrcs_exp - Modify the value of the RCSPATH variable.
  15. omd_exp - Obtain a working copy of a file from a RCS directory.
  16. omdr_exp - Obtain a working copy, at a given revision level, of a file from a RCS directory.
  17. ouv_exp - Initialize the etagere environment and open an experiment.
  18. qui_exp - Quit the current experiment without saving it in the working RCS directory.
  19. refuse - Recuperate and merge a set of experiments.
  20. rev_exp - Obtain a list of all the revisions for a file in a master RCS directory.
  21. smod_exp - Extract from the working RCS directory all the files whose content is different from that of a reference experiment.
  22. sor_exp - Extract from the working RCS directory all the files associated with a given experiment.

    Other utilities related to RCS

  23. globrev - deposit a new revision for a set of files into the RCS directory.